Allows you to quickly assess whether a candidate has the basic qualifications, communication skills, and cultural fit for the role before committing to an in-person or video interview.

Streamlines the interview process without requiring both parties to travel or set up complex video technology. It helps you manage time effectively for both the hiring team and the candidates.

Helps reduce potential bias, as they focus solely on the candidate's answers, communication abilities, and experience, allowing you to assess their qualifications without visual judgments.

Unlock Your Hiring Success with These Must-Ask Phone Interview Questions!

Save time and make smarter hiring decisions with this FREE digital download! Our expertly crafted list of phone interview questions is designed to give you a comprehensive snapshot of whether a candidate is worth moving on to a longer, more involved interview process. Phone interviews should be brief and to the point, but that doesn't mean they can't be effective. These key questions will help you uncover potential quickly—getting straight to the insights that matter most for your business. Don’t waste time on the wrong fit—download this freebie now and streamline your hiring process!

Jessica Klatt

Jessica Klatt is a consciousness coach and neurological wiring specialist dedicated to helping small businesses and entrepreneurs master the *human* side of business. From hiring and retention to leadership and team dynamics, she brings a fresh approach for high-level thinkers ready to ditch cookie-cutter strategies. Jessica empowers her clients to connect with people in ways that elevate and inspire growth for everyone involved!

Ready to hire smarter?

Download our FREE must-ask phone interview questions and streamline your process today!

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